The Top 5 Robot Vacuums of 2023, as Highly Praised by Enthusiastic Reviews

Listen to the People! Discover the Top-Rated Robot Vacuum Choices that Guarantee a Spotless Home.

When robot vacuums first made their debut in 2002, they were considered luxurious and futuristic cleaning appliances that were out of reach for the average person. Fast forward to today, and we have a wide range of the best robot vacuums catering to every room and budget. These reliable robotic cleaners are now available at various price points, making it impossible to overlook this time-saving appliance.

These versatile robots offer both vacuuming and mopping capabilities, making them suitable for homes of all sizes. With these hands-off cordless vacuums, you can sit back and relax while they tackle the hard work for you. Some of them even earn top rankings as the best vacuums for pet hair and as impressive vacuum-mop combos.


Wyze Robot Vacuum

With just a simple click, you can set the Wyze Robot Vacuum in motion, transforming your floors into spotless surfaces. Our top choice for the best overall robot vacuum, this compact marvel takes care of hair and debris on both carpets and hardwood floors, and the best part? It can recharge itself!

The Wyze robot can be effortlessly controlled through a mobile app. It intelligently maps out your floors and divides them into sections to create the most efficient cleaning path. If there are areas where you’d like the robot to steer clear of, simply establish “virtual walls” to keep it on the right track. You can even schedule cleaning sessions to fit your preferences. Once the task is completed or the battery runs low, the robot autonomously returns to its docking station to recharge.


  • Edge sweeping brushes ensure comprehensive 360-degree cleaning
  • Utilizes LiDAR sensor and a mobile app to map out the room
  • Suitable for all surfaces, including hard flooring and carpets
  • Capable of traversing height gaps up to 20mm
  • Equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Offers a reasonable price point
  • Available for purchase on Wyze, Amazon, and Walmart


  • Some minor technical issues may occasionally cause the robot to become disoriented during use.


Eufy RoboVac 11S

“You don’t have to break the bank to enjoy the benefits of a high-quality robotic vacuum,” as affirmed by Consumer Reports. “The Eufy RoboVac 11S achieves an impressive ‘Very Good’ rating in our carpet cleaning test and excels even further on bare floors.” It’s not just an economical choice; it’s the best budget robot vacuum on our list, and the reasons are compelling.

While the review does mention that some users have encountered scattered debris, the overwhelming consensus among customers is that this vacuum gets the job done exceptionally well. In fact, it boasts a remarkable track record with over 44,000 satisfied customers on Amazon, who have collectively awarded it a five-star rating. Moreover, Eufy robotic vacuums are renowned for their reliability, so you can trust that this model is built to last well beyond the next three years.


  • Offers an affordable price point, making it ideal for first-time robot vacuum owners
  • Provides an impressive runtime of up to 100 minutes
  • Features an ultra-slim design that effortlessly glides beneath furniture
  • Versatile multi-surface cleaning capabilities, suitable for hard floors and medium-pile carpets
  • Operates quietly without causing disruptions
  • Equipped with drop-sensing technology to prevent falls down stairs
  • Boasts an impressive 64,000 Amazon ratings with an average rating of 4.4 stars
  • Conveniently available for purchase on Amazon, Eufy, and Walmart


  • Lacks a specific cleaning pattern
  • Does not have Wi-Fi connectivity


Roborock E4

Are you constantly battling pet hair throughout your home? Look no further than the Roborock E4, which might just be the ultimate robot vacuum for pet owners and anyone seeking a pristine living space. With its efficient cleaning capabilities, carpet boost mode, extended battery life, and spacious dustbin, it’s well-equipped to tackle pet messes and cover even larger homes. The Roborock E4 goes above and beyond by combining the power of both vacuuming and mopping. Plus, it offers convenient control through your smartphone or Alexa device.

Amazon reviewer Mike Tate shares his experience, saying, ‘We have two kids and a Golden Retriever who sheds incessantly. We have laminate floors and carpet, and this does a great job for both. It picks up ALL the dog fur and dirt/grass/small yard debris, leaving the laminate floors a pleasure to walk on barefoot. It finishes with a pass around the perimeter, which is 99.8% effective. Of course, because of its round shape, it won’t get all the dust in the very corners, but the suction is strong enough to pull all the dog fur out of the corners, leaving next to nothing.’


  • Robust suction power effectively eliminates pet hair
  • Exceptional three-hour battery life ensures extended cleaning sessions
  • Spacious dustbin accommodates a significant amount of debris
  • Ideal for cleaning large rooms or entire floors
  • Performs excellently on all types of carpet piles
  • Can be effortlessly controlled via smartphone or Alexa device
  • Impressive track record with 2,200 Amazon ratings and an average rating of 4.2 stars
  • Readily available for purchase on Amazon and Walmart


  • Some users have reported occasional difficulties with the robot getting stuck on thresholds.


iRobot Roomba i7+

With the iRobot Roomba i7+, you can say goodbye to spending hours cleaning your carpets—because this Roomba certainly won’t. It’s equipped with a clean base automatic dirt disposal system that transforms even robotic cleaning into a hassle-free task. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with Google Home, enabling you to address cleaning tasks in the moment with a simple command, such as ‘Roomba, clean under the kitchen table.’ Discover more about the ideal storage locations (and those to avoid) for your Roomba.

Amazon reviewer Amy Dru shares her experience, stating, ‘I have been using the iRobot Roomba i7 for about a month. Because it’s expensive, I have been actively looking for things that it does ‘wrong’ or that I don’t like. Needless to say, I have failed because it is awesome. It is much quieter [than other Roomba models], and the noise it makes is not a high pitch that worries our dog. Plus, the automatic dirt disposal base makes cleaning the Roomba a weekly or monthly job instead of a daily job. We have not had to empty the bin yet!’


  • Maps your home for autonomous cleaning
  • Features a spacious self-cleaning dustbin
  • Operates with a quieter motor compared to other robot vacuums
  • Boasts strong suction capabilities
  • Effortlessly reaches hard-to-access areas, such as under tables, thanks to advanced maneuvering
  • Compatible with Google Home for voice-controlled operation
  • Impressive track record with 13,000 Amazon ratings and an average rating of 4.4 stars
  • Easily accessible for purchase on Amazon, iRobot, Wayfair, and Walmart


  • Comes with a higher price point compared to other robotic vacuums on the market, but its performance justifies the investment.


Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL

With the Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL, controlled via a user-friendly app and boasting WiFi connectivity, you can simply set it and let it work its magic for up to 30 days. Equipped with a convenient bagless, self-emptying base and compatible with Alexa, this remarkable self-emptying robot vacuum brings deep cleaning to your home with just the sound of your voice. It’s not only the best self-emptying robot vacuum but also one of those fast house-cleaning solutions you’ll wish you had discovered earlier. For even more cleaning power from Shark, consider trying the Shark VacMop, a favorite of our editor.

Pet owners are singing praises for the Shark IQ, especially when it comes to floors covered in fur. This robot vacuum efficiently whisks away pet hair and dander without causing much noise, a feature that has earned it top ratings from Amazon reviewers. Moreover, it boasts total home mapping and room select functionalities, ensuring that it reaches all the right spots.

Amazon reviewer Mick enthusiastically states, ‘The product exceeds my expectations! I schedule cleaning to happen an hour before I arrive home during the weekdays and an hour before I wake up on Saturday and Sunday. The daily vacuuming is noticeable and very enjoyable!’


  • Automatically empties the dustbin for a hassle-free experience
  • Features a spacious self-cleaning dustbin
  • Boasts powerful suction capabilities
  • Utilizes total home mapping and room select for efficient cleaning
  • Effectively handles various debris types, including pet hair and dander
  • Impressive track record with 27,000 Amazon ratings and an average rating of 4.3 stars
  • Conveniently available for purchase at Walmart and Amazon


  • Produces more noise compared to some smaller models.

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